Who Should Enrol
All registered pharmacy- and healthcare professionals in South Africa.
Course Content
The October 2024 issue of The Lancet Global Health include the following 30 articles:
(with a curated selection of 10 articles* available for download)
- Through the lens of patienthood
- Addressing global micronutrient inadequacies: enhancing global data representation
- RSV burden and prevention in children in LMICs
- The potential distraction of a pan-regimen approach to tuberculosis
- Intravenous ferric carboxymaltose for iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy
- Enhancing preventive treatment for malaria in pregnancy: insights from a trial on targeted information transfer
- Increasing uptake of integrated schistosomiasis treatment and HIV screening services in fishermen at high risk of comorbidities in Malawi
- Primary health-care orientation of health systems in the WHO South-East Asia Region: from addressing disease to assuring health and wellbeing
- What can we learn from developments in primary health care in south Asia?
- Mpox outbreaks in Africa constitute a public health emergency of continental security
- Africa should research the long-term sequelae of mpox
- Access to highly effective long-acting RSV-monoclonal antibodies for children in LMICs—reducing global inequity
- From reform to excellence: the future of health care in Egypt
- Working with the news media for the greater good
- Access in the rare diseases landscape
- Revolution in microbiological diagnostics needs LMIC solutions
- Global estimation of dietary micronutrient inadequacies: a modelling analysis *
- Population attributable fractions for risk factors for dementia in seven Latin American countries: an analysis using cross-sectional survey data *
- Respiratory syncytial virus infection among children younger than 2 years admitted to a paediatric intensive care unit with extended severe acute respiratory infection in ten Gavi-eligible countries: the RSV GOLD—ICU Network study *
- Evaluating national infection prevention and control minimum requirements: evidence from global cross-sectional surveys, 2017–22 *
- Projected health and economic effects of a pan-tuberculosis treatment regimen: a modelling study *
- Assessing the effect of health system resources on HIV and tuberculosis programmes in Malawi: a modelling study *
- Intravenous versus oral iron for anaemia among pregnant women in Nigeria (IVON): an open-label, randomised controlled trial *
- Delivery effectiveness of and adherence to intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in pregnancy with dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine with or without targeted information transfer or sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine in western Kenya: a three-armed, pragmatic, open-label, cluster-randomised trial *
- Combined interventions for the testing and treatment of HIV and schistosomiasis among fishermen in Malawi: a three-arm, cluster-randomised trial *
- Ebola disease outbreak caused by the Sudan virus in Uganda, 2022: a descriptive epidemiological study *
- The state of primary health care in south Asia
- Delivering non-communicable disease services through primary health care in selected south Asian countries: are health systems prepared?
- Improving urban health through primary health care in south Asia
- Improving Ebola virus disease outbreak control through targeted post-exposure prophylaxis
The assessment (MCQ) must be successfully completed to receive your certificate - two (2) attempts to achieve 70%.
The Quiz is based on the following two (2) articles:
- Evaluating national infection prevention and control minimum requirements: evidence from global cross-sectional surveys, 2017–22
- Projected health and economic effects of a pan-tuberculosis treatment regimen: a modelling study